Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Awakening? Its all relative I think. I am beginning to think that I have lived two different lives till now. They are both quite opposite and dramatic. This experience has indeed changed the way I think and influenced my current lifestyle to an extreme degree.

I don't hate much, but one of the foremost on my hate list is the social concrete parameters that has been weaved into our everyday lives. If you try to break it or bend it, you are looked down upon. You are seen as a weird out-of-the-box person who does not fit in these social surroundings. You are degraded and made to feel that you have let down a lot of people. It is dictatorship through a social channel.

While conversing with my mom last night, I came to the realization that she perhaps has expectations of me that I cannot fulfill. She has given me enough space to let me feel and learn from my experiences and make up my own ideologies, but will she succumb to social pressure for other things? I have escaped the narrow life ideologies and would never bend to things like that, ever. I only hope they can understand that I live for my contentedness and not to be socially appropriate.

Why can't we live on our basics? The world has become such a complex place with so many social prohibitions and unwritten guidelines that a lot of people don't really think for themselves and just simply follow the path laid down to them. If you conceive the abnormalities and try to break through them, you are ousted. Is it justified then, keeping in mind the danger of losing civility in our society? Its almost as if the outline for our lives is sketched out and we are supposed to stick to the inside of the lines.

Jim Morrison wrote :

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need of some stranger's hand
In a desperate land

I can't begin to explain how much these lines relate to my life!

I just consider myself very lucky for what I have gone through, all the experiences, to have the capability to understand the change, the impact of the change and the value of it. I will never want to trade this for any different life. I am glad I met the people I did, made the friends I made and made the best friends I made.

Love Love,

1 comment:

Piyush Kalia said...

The social concrete parameters have been there all the time, you know that and maybe you didnt realize it but you have been a part of it too, dont you think??Iam sure you have previously looked down upon people yourself who didnt fit the ordinary, outcast people, make fun of people who were different.Think about it-honestly!!Now the tables have turned and time for you to face the music.So come on lets get a move on.

WHY cant we live on our("own") basics?Why is that we have social channels, why is that we have to follow every rule that society has made for us, why cant people just be who they are and not care too much about some rules created 300 years ago???The answer is simple.That is because human beings are used to living in a rules based setup which everyone is supposed to follow, where everyone feels secure about themselves and about others.First thing they see which is different or can not understand makes human beings feel threatened and insecure which directly leads them to branding the different as bad, degraded and outcast without even giving a fair chance to the new or the different(an individual or a thought process).The fact is, human beings are insecure beings who in a time of a new change or a new thought process overrule the new and the different without any logic and common sense.
Overall conclusion-human beings with closed minds and weak hearts are idiots and unfortunately they exist in big numbers, really-really big numbers.

Now there are a lot of people like you and I who know this but still prefer to follow the rules, and be part of the whole setup, thats because their need to be accepted socially is far greater than their will to live their lives on their own terms.Its not easy and you have to ask yourself, do you have the minerals and maturity to live life on your own terms,keeping your Indian sensibilities intact??

Anyway the only reason why you feel that other people see you differently now from what they used to is because you have been exposed to different things, lifestyle, culture etc and the fact is that you have changed, for good or bad-who cares, thats not anybodys judgement call , maybe not even yours.Anyway coming back to the point, others have to accept that you have changed and others have to understand and deal with it, but the starting step would have to be yours cause the others were never exposed to the different things that you have been exposed to.They dont see your perspective,its your perogative to make them see and understand where you are coming from.

Now you can say that they dont understand me and iam just different, more open minded etc, they dont get me and thats just the way it has to be or you can actually reach out to the people who have cared for you, looked out for you and make it work.The choice is yours..Make the right choice!!All the best with that.

"Just to propose another discussion while we are at this".

Jimmy's lines and how you much you relate to them is again based on being accepted, now tell me this "is a relationship based on a particular need really a relationship or only a fulfillment of a need??"(in your case the need for being accepted).