Saturday, April 4, 2009

My first official date- a detailed description of the event in the irony that my life is.

Well, upon much hours of sleeplessness due to hyper brain activity about the forced dinner date, I finally decided to try and consider it as a charity coffee. I really don't think its fair to him that he should spend all that and try to impress me when I have a pre-decided notion about the outcome of this special occasion. No offense at all. To be fair to my decision, he is perhaps the most self-absorbed person I have spoken to, including myself ( ofcourse, I talk to myself. About myself) and exceedingly dry. When you come to the point that you make fun of him and have to explain to him that you just made a funny, you lose interest.

To throw some more background light on the gentleman in question, he was following me the whole night last night. We had a formal dinner at college and went out clubbing after. Everyone at the club knew I was running away from him because they were all designated the duty of pulling me away every time he approached me. Which was- all the time. No exaggeration. His friend asked my friend ' he is not going to get your friend, is he?' and my friend responded, being subtle, ' No'. This subtle response was ofcourse communicated to him, but I think he needs to pick a few tips on the listening and taking hints part of 'communication'. I have to admit though, I did have a bit of fun, ok, maybe quite a lot of evil fun running away and hiding. It was quite an adventure because I never knew how he always found me and I had to think one step ahead of him, placing my men in strategic areas around the club to keep me informed. I am sure I will make a great army strategic planner. Don't judge me, I love my exaggerated thought process.

Ironically, after hours of endless running away and hiding, we ended up walking home together. There were other people involved, but at that point of drunken tiredness especially with heels, everybody has to pair up. First commandment of our religion. And so, we walked back together. During which he asked me out at least 4 times, starting out with a coffee in Paris. Yes, you heard right, coffee in Paris. That was the first of the elaborate stories. Being the polite person that I am, I had to say yes after all the hardships that he had to go through only for me ( yes, he made it a point to point out that he wouldn't have walked for any random because he is too used to get driven around or taking cabs and also he had to take his shoes off because I had my shoes off which was exceptionally difficult for him and I could really see the pain on his face- Just to be in the clear, I didn't ask him once to either walk with me or take his shoes off). He then very intelligently turned the innocent coffee thing into a dinner with reservations. Little did he know, I could pull the same on him and turn it back to a coffee thing today. HA!

It was one of the hardest things I have had to do. One hour of awkward conversation, if you call him talking about himself a conversation. I know his life history. He was born in India to a Caucasian British father and a Portuguese Indian mother but moved to Dubai 2 months after, where he grew up. His mum's an Indian diplomat and so he gets a lot of Indian diplomatic advantages. He keeps traveling between Dubai, London ( his dads side of family lives there) and their holiday home in Switzerland. He spent his last bday in NY because his mom was there who insisted on him spending his bday with her. His Mom is now forcing him to travel to Spain to meet her there. He is doing his Bachelors in Marketing with research honors. He sleeps in his PJs and has to put on his formals as soon as he gets up before arriving in his living room when he is living with his father. He loves chocolate a lot and doesnt like to share it (he did offer to share with me a piece of his choc cake. What can I say- privileges of being a cutie are endless!) He doesn't like to go out much because its unlike his upbringing to drink and make a fool of himself. He hurt his back when trying to piggyback his roommie last night. He discussed me with his housemates who think I am definitely a flowers girl. Ofcourse, he disagrees once I disagree. And umm, this is only the first 10 mins of our 'conversation'.

Is this what dating has come down to? Being squared into saying yes and having to go through this painful ordeal where you keep feeling guilty about him spending for your coffee and caramel cake because you already know that you are going to tell him in the end that you are not 'looking for anything' right now. Why cant people just take hints? I am sure I gave him a thousand and eighty one hints last night! It could have saved me and him so much trouble and awkwardness! and I would have still happily been a dating virgin waiting for my Dark Prince ( I really hadn't been on a proper date with a guy I just met -EVER). On our walk back home after the date and him asking me for the 10th time if I wanted to do something tonight, I finally told him ' I am sorry, I have to be honest with you. I don't want to lead you on and I am really not looking for anything right now. I just have too many things going on in my life and not enough time!' I left it on a good note saying that we can of course be friends. But really, did I have to go through all this?

This is quite an entry about this one guy, but I think he deserves it. He definitely is one of a kind and am sure I will be able to laugh about it more tomorrow. I am happy to be sore about it right now. This misadventure of a first ever date, on retrospection, will be a very fitting first date in the ironic space-time continuum that my life exists in.

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