Friday, July 6, 2007

Big Bad World!

Out of college, out of the "protective" boundaries of the College walls, Into the big bad world.

Its been close to 2 months now having joined G******.Hows the experience?? Almost grueling. I have come to understand a new meaning of realizing ones potential. Working for 12-14 hours with the haunt of going home to cold food and a quiet sleepy house is indeed the big bad world. Squeezing in "your bit" till every cell in your body cries with exhaustion is the big bad world. Artificially smiling and trying to get along with the people you could have sworn at in College is the big bad world.

Yes, unfortunately my first job experience isn't very satisfying. I have forever been starving for people sharing my views and mind frame and I am totally lost in a place where anyone would have thought I would have found at least a few!

Its is indeed sad to see how people are made to work like Dogs paying them something not even fit to appreciate half of what they do. Ofcourse G***** is famous for its amazing trainings and various degrees you can achieve while working, showing very well on your CV. But the fact remains 70% of the people do not have time to go for those because they are overburdened with work. I have seen people working for 20 hours!Yes, and I am not faking it. Its a solid bare fact any company should be ashamed of. Very ironically the company preaches "happy people excel within" and "speak your mind". There are wonderful competitions and celebrations held for the employees of the company, but again, hardly anyone has the time to get off their desks and participate or even watch them for that matter! I have superiors who still cant distinguish between "their" and "there", and I am supposed to be having them as my mentors. And I work in a big MNC KPO which is very proud of itself to be what it is and will soon be listed on the NYSE. I have my chairman telling blatantly that employees is not everything to him, his clients are. I wonder what he would do if his employees didnt do such a good job, where he would get his clients from.This to a packed house of his employees. And with no reaction from any of the employees. This is the company I work for.

Indeed its a big bad world out there.

1 comment:

Paapi said...

Aaaaaaaaaw !! You seem to be having a tough time there. Another victim of the "Reality Bites" syndrome I see. Believe me , I'm kinda glad I interned at the India's largest producer of passenger cars , cause I now know for a fact that it just aint the thing for me . So I'll definately make a more prudent decision while sitting for my placements.

Oh and btw, BAD BAD WORLD in blue doesn't go easy on the reader's eyes :P